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How can I help investor to invest in the U.S property?
I calculate ROI on a rental property that depend on different factors such as location, property
type, risk, and property financing. Additionally, I collect statistical analysis along with real estate market


How Can I Help My International Clients Purchase House in U.S?
You don’t need to be the U.S. Citizen or residence to purchase a house. If you decided for
investment property or vacation home, you have options to buy cash or with mortgage. I have a large
connection of lender working for a global operation, real estate and tax attorney, U.S. financial
accountant, and property management team to serve my international clients.


How Can I Help Seller to Negotiate?
With the large connection, I have real estate attorney and risk management team paying with
reasonable rate per year to help clients with legal questions during transaction.


How Can I Save $10,000 EMD for buyer?
My buyer client received liquid damage when the seller changes their decision to cancel the deal
in the escrows. Afterward, my client used that fine add on their budget to buy another beautiful house.

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